3 Tips to Win the Homework Battle
3 Tips to Win the Homework Battle
Back to school means back to homework and in some families, back to daily struggles. Your home doesn’t have to be a battleground where academic dreams go to die. Start the school year off with a different approach; so, you can win the homework battle and ultimately enjoy learning with your kids!
Model excitement about learning
We’ve all heard the saying, “Children are like sponges”. So, it should be no surprise, when our kids start to model our own behaviors. If we have a negative attitude about going to work or getting our “homework” done then why should we expect our kids to act differently. Parents should be enthusiastic and genuinely interested in their children’s learning. Start from an early age by showing an excitement for learning; yes, this includes scribbles and handprint art from your toddler. By making learning fun instead of a chore, you will create a positive association with learning that your child will carry with them throughout their academic career. And you will have more fun as a parent!
Get out of it when you feel frustrated
If you’re like me and a calculator is your best friend, then you fear the day your child asks you for help with his math homework. The key to helping children with their homework is to stop when you start to feel frustrated. It’s not going to do anyone any good if you and your child have meltdowns over algebra. When we as parents become frustrated or angry while helping with homework it sends the wrong message to our kids. They begin to pair these bad feelings and school work together creating a negative message. HOMEWORK + ANGER/FRUSTRATION= NEGATIVE. These messages create an atmosphere where kids will want to avoid homework and ultimately conversations about school altogether. Don’t let the excitement about learning die due to your frustration.
Focus on the positive
In case you didn’t know already, your child will not be good at everything! Much like adults; who were children at some point; kids will have strengths and weaknesses. It’s our job as parents to help our children discover their strengths and what they are good at. If we only focus on the deficits, then we are killing any chance of our kids to enjoy school. By focusing on the positive, we are creating an environment that celebrates strengths and successes. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather work for a boss that celebrates my strengths than a boss that punishes me for my weaknesses. By helping our kids discover what they are good at; we are ultimately helping them to figure out how to be successful in life. And with a strategy like that, we can’t lose!
For more information on how to win the homework battle and other parenting advice, click here.
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